Headshot of Laura Stanton.

Laura Stanton

Assistant Commissioner
Office of Information Technology Category, Federal Acquisition Service, General Services Administration

Laura Stanton serves as the OMB-appointed government-wide IT Category Manager and the Assistant Commissioner for the Information Technology Category (ITC) within the General Services Administration’s Federal Acquisition Service. As Assistant Commissioner for ITC, Stanton oversees more than 6,000 contracts that enable access to IT solutions for federal, state, local, and tribal governments. ITC facilitates over $38 billion in annual government IT spending and has delivered nearly $2 billion in savings to agencies. As the Government-wide IT Category Manager, Stanton supervises 13 best-in-class (BIC) IT acquisition vehicles across various agencies, accounting for over $77 billion in annual obligations.

Her expertise has significantly contributed to IT modernization and efficiency across federal agencies. Stanton, a recipient of the prestigious Federal 100 Award and the Government Eagle Award, is recognized for her dedication to improving government IT acquisition and management.