The Board has released additional guidance regarding priority investment areas for the American Rescue Plan Funding.

Relevant considerations in preparing an Initial Project Proposal (IPP)

The following topics are neither exhaustive nor may be applicable to all agency projects, but serve to provide a framework to identify projects ripe for IT modernization. Agencies submitting Initial Project Proposals are encouraged (though not required) to address these considerations, including citing or attaching evidence that their project meets any applicable considerations. Agency project sponsors should also be able to address these issues as part of the evaluation process, should a project merit additional examination by the Board.

Impact on agency mission

  • User impact and expected outcomes: Successfully executing this project will have a demonstrable and visible impact to the public, in alignment with the agency’s mission. The project will articulate a desired end state that clearly showcases how expected outcomes will enhance the delivery of services that reduces burden, improves performance, or has the potential to produce positive long term benefits.

  • Improving security: The project will address an urgent problem (cybersecurity, financial, operational, or another significant risk the agency has identified that could have a material impact on project execution) that would otherwise not be solved. The project leverages commercial capabilities and industry best practices where applicable in order to manage risk during execution and throughout the life and maintenance of the project.


  • Agency sponsorship and strength of team: The project has strong executive visibility and support, so that any issues that arise during execution can be addressed quickly and effectively. Agency leadership understands and champions the project success as essential to achieving agency priority goals.

  • Project execution strategy and measures of success: The project identifies key milestones for success and demonstrates how the use of funds will enable milestone achievement. A successful project also envisions an appropriate governance structure and operational model that will last beyond initial execution. The project will enhance and improve the existing agency IT modernization strategy, and the project will ultimately be executed according to a strong project management approach that aligns to industry best practices and incorporates, to the greatest extent practicable, commercial technology solutions.

Opportunity enablement

  • Value proposition and operational efficiencies: A successful project will provide detailed information on how the agency will dramatically improve service quality through modernization, and any cost savings the project may generate. The project will describe the importance of the investment to the agency (i.e., how impactful this project is to agency mission) and the expected value proposition and operational efficiencies expected through successful project execution. Projects will highlight how business process or change management advances (including the repurposing of workforce as necessary) will be achieved as a result of successful project execution.

Common solutions

  • Reduction of outdated, insecure systems to modern, scalable platforms: A successful project will ensure that security is designed into execution from the outset and complements service delivery and mission objectives. Projects will leverage commercial products and services to the greatest extent practicable to boost security, decrease technical debt, and improve the ability of the project and the associated technology to adapt to a changing threat and operational environment. Where applicable, projects will demonstrate the ability of the agency to reduce outdated or duplicative systems (or to retired multiple systems) through modernization and deliver common solutions and reuse opportunities within an agency, or between the agency and external partners.

If you have questions or need assistance

The TMF Program Management Office (PMO), part of the General Services Administration (GSA), is here to support your team throughout the entire TMF application and submission process. We are available to help develop your initial IPP and to review your IPP prior to submission. For more information about our full suite of services or to get in touch with us, please see the Get Help Preparing Your Submission section of this site.